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双语新闻 | 李玟录音事件发酵,《好声音》引发争议
发布时间:2024-07-05 14:20:39 | 浏览次数:


美国《时代》杂志2023.08.18版面转载了《彭博社》的报道, 下面将全文摘录如下, 供同学们参考:

Chinese Version of ‘The Voice’ Rocked by Allegations of Unfairly Treating Late Star

已故明星控诉遭遇《中国好声音》不公正对待, 后者大受影响

The producer of the “The Voice of China” saw its stock tumble by the most on record after a viral video of allegations that a deceased pop star was unfairly treated during her time on the popular televised singing show.

《中国好声音》制作方股价创纪录暴跌, 此前网上疯传一段视频显示, 已故流行歌手在参加这档综艺节目期间遭受不公正对待。

Star CM Holdings Ltd. tumbled 23%, the most since its listing in December. The drop wipes out about $1.5 billion in market value from the stock, which had more than quadrupled at its peak.

《好声音》制作方星空华文股价重挫23%, 创去年12月上市以来最大跌幅。此次下跌使其市值蒸发约15亿美元; 星空华文去年年底上市后曾经股价翻倍飙升。

The selloff comes after a nine-minute clip surfaced on Chinese social media platform Weibo allegedly showing Hong Kong singer Coco Lee talking about her time on the reality program, which like the U.S. show “The Voice” is based on a hit Dutch series. The Hong Kong-born entertainer, who had charted hits in places as far away as the U.S. and Australia, starred on “The Voice of China” as a mentor to competing singers.

此次股票抛售是在微博上出现了一段9分钟的音频之后发生的, 香港歌手李玟在音频中谈论她在《中国好声音》真人秀中的经历, 该节目与《美国好声音》一样都源自一档荷兰的选秀节目。这位出生于香港的艺人曾在美国和澳大利亚等地登上热门歌曲榜单, 并在《中国好声音》中担任导师。

Lee committed suicide in early July after suffering from depression for some years.


In a statement posted on Weibo, the production team behind “The Voice of China” said that some media accounts “have recently spread the maliciously edited recording” on online platforms, which is “disrespectful to the deceased and seriously damaged the program’s image”. Calls to Star CM by Bloomberg went unanswered.

《中国好声音》制作团队在微博上发表声明称, 近日部分自媒体账号“在网络平台撒布经恶意剪辑的录音”, 这是“对逝者的不尊重, 也严重损害节目形象”。《彭博社》致电星空华文, 但无人接听。

Star CM produces over 80 variety programs in China, including “Sing! China,” which is a re-branded version of “The Voice of China,” as well as “Street Dance of China,” according to its website.

星空华文在中国制作了80多个综艺节目, 其中就包括《中国好声音》以及《这! 就是街舞》。