【热词】一周双语热词 |
发布时间:2024-07-05 16:33:34 | 浏览次数: |
#双语热词一览 # the most popular baby names in 2022 1.2022新生儿爆款名字 the most popular baby names in 2022 双语例句: 近日,广东佛山市公安局公布了该地区2022年新生儿的热门姓名,男孩“宇轩”和女孩“心玥”拔得头筹。 此外,父母姓氏组合式起名仍然是潮流。2022年,在佛山办理出生登记的人口中,小孩姓名前两个字是父母姓氏的共有199人。 In 2022,the most popular first name for baby boys was Yuxuan(宇轩),while Xinyue(心玥)was favored by most parents as a baby girl's name,according to data released by the Foshan Municipal Public Security Bureau in Guangdong. There are 199 kids whose first names are a combination of both their father's and mother's surnames in 2022. the best overall diet in 2023 2.2023年最佳饮食法 the best overall diet in 2023 双语例句: 近日,《美国新闻与世界报道》(US News&World Report)公布了其2023年最佳饮食榜单,地中海饮食法(Mediterranean diet)第六次蝉联了“最佳饮食法”的称号。 这种饮食法以植物为基础,提倡简单烹饪,保留食材原始和新鲜的状态。每顿饭以水果、蔬菜、谷物、豆类等为主要食材,搭配坚果和初榨橄榄油来增加优质脂肪的摄入。 For the sixth year in a row,the Mediterranean style of eating earned the title of best overall diet,according to 2023 ratings announced Tuesday by US News&World Report. The diet features simple,plant-based cooking,with the majority of each meal focused on fruits and vegetables,whole grains,beans and seeds,with a few nuts and a heavy emphasis on extra-virgin olive oil. Yao-Chinese Folktales 3.《中国奇谭》Yao-Chinese Folktales 双语例句: 2023年刚开年,国产剧集就迎来了第一部高口碑爆款剧。由上海美术电影制片厂和哔哩哔哩联合出品的中式奇幻动画短片集《中国奇谭》(Yao-Chinese Folktales)刚播出两集,就让网友沸腾了。 这部具有独特国风韵味的“妖怪”故事集,融入了中国传统文化和志怪美学,诡异灵动,立意深远,令人拍案。 开播后,《中国奇谭》在豆瓣获得9.5的超高开分,截至发稿前,超5万位观众做出评价,评分上升至9.6,给出五星的观众比例高达82.5%。 An animated series featuring monster-like characters,or yao in Chinese,has won praise online for adopting traditional Chinese culture and aesthetics in its animation and storytelling in a way that has resonated with many. Jointly produced by Shanghai Animated Film Studio and streaming site Bilibili,“Yao-Chinese Folktales”has garnered over 26 million views and got a score of 9.6 out of 10 on rating site Douban since it aired last Sunday. Kevin McCarthy was elected as Speaker of the House of Representatives 4.麦卡锡当选美国会众议院议长 Kevin McCarthy was elected as Speaker of the House of Representatives 双语例句: 据新华社,经过党内激烈争论达成利益交换,共和党众议员凯文·麦卡锡于7日凌晨在第15轮众议院议长选举表决中当选议长。 这也令麦卡锡成为了美国过去164年以来第一位如此“难产”的议长。 《纽约时报》文章认为,这场政治纷争表明,美国国会未来两年可能反复陷入混乱状态。美国总统、民主党人拜登日前表示,国会无法完全运行令美国“尴尬”。 The US House of Representatives elected Congressman Kevin McCarthy as speaker early Saturday morning after a historic deadlock that kept the lower chamber from being fully functional days after the new Congress convened. McCarthy,a California Republican,clinched enough votes to become House speaker in the 15th round of voting--the longest contest in 164 years--after a bitter fight with a group of hardline conservatives and 14 failed ballots. US President Joe Biden,a Democrat,said earlier this week that it is"embarrassing for the country"not to have a fully functional Congress,the legislature of the federal government. 文字|节选自China Daily 图片丨新华社 |